Monday, June 12, 2006

Reply to me by me..

Dear self (and actually whoever's reading this),

Thank you for the note of congratulations. About the duties that you mentioned, well yes i agree to abide by all of them except one - I CANNOT STOP TALKING ABOUT FOOTBALL!! So, people, you are gonna get a lot of expert soccer opinions on the ongoing football extravaganza in my daily special post which I shall entitle "Berlin beckons..".

About the flowery language part, do not worry, I'm lousy with words. I cannot write an essay without a thesaurus......else it will be comparable to an 8-year old's essay!!!!! Thats exaggerating it a bit, but well you get the idea. And if you decide to dispute that claim by pointing towards the word "Assiduous" in my Blog title, well, if you wanna know, I just flipped open a dictionary and that was the first word i saw!!! Cant help blog title has to be good you know!!

*Addressing my audience now*
Blogging is not your regular cup of tea.....although it is relatively easy to come out with your thoughts, organizing them and making them into words and further into sentences is quite a task. I regularly have read blogs by people who are extremely expressive and emotional.....who claim to speak from their heart......who have the uncontrollable urge to open out to the world surrounding them........well, i have news for you boys and girls, I'm not one of them. I'm just a guy who wants to know more about himself.......I wanna explore my inner self........and this is one of the best ways to do it. I am not a very emotional guy........but at the same time I want to know for a fact what I am good at and what I am not. So, in view of this, if anyone finds the time to reply to my posts, they are always welcome and appreciated.

Anyway, thats I shall be off to watch Australia play Japan....not the best match in prospect but is soccer for me....doesnt matter who is playing!!! And i actually happened to notice while channel surfing that India is playing test matches in the West people actually watch that now?!! So then, till next.....Good Day!


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