Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Six days of madness - part 4

Day 4 : March 29, 2010
Call: IIM-Ahmedabad

6.00 am....Ahmedabad Railway Station...I step off the Gujarat Mail, and say to myself, "Into the hands of fate!". The moment that I had both eagerly anticipated and dreaded at the same time was finally here. After having a quick bite at a local restaurant which was fortunately open, given the time, I took a rick to the IIMA campus. I realized how early I was when I found the campus completely deserted. It was a good one hour before another candidate sauntered in. And then, on cue, they all started streaming in. It was good to see a few familiar faces from the IIMC GDPIs as well. Soon, bang on time at 8.45 am, we were led into our respective rooms for the essay and PI (no GD here). Again, a pretty thought-provoking topic for the essay: "Are Gandhian principles relevant in society today?" I was able to ramble on and fill the required space within the allotted 10 minutes, and was relieved - stage one done, now for the big stage two. Second in line for the interview this time around.....and before I knew it, I was called in....

Panelists: P1 (male), P2 (female)

P1: So tell us about yourself, Arvind..
Me: Here we go again...
P1: (smug expression) Ah, an electronics engineer... (looks at P2 and smiles, I was like "what on earth was that??")
P2: Can you tell me about the latest TRAI guidelines?
Me: (whaaa??!) Ma'm, do u mean regarding the 3G spectrum auction?
P2: Yes, what are the criteria set for the auction?
Me: (Oh flip, God help me....time to think on my feet) Told whatever sounded logical....turnover, infrastructure etc..
P2: What else? What do they require in infrastructure?
Me: (and the torture begins..) blabbered about cell sites, coverage, equipment....
P2: So what exactly are the requirements?
Me: Sorry, not aware of the exact requirements...
P2: Any other criteria?
Me: Not that I'm aware of...
P1: What do you know about 4G?
Me: Told whatever I knew..
P1: So 4G seems to be better right?
Me: Yes, sir
P1: Then why all this haggling over 3G...why don't we go in for 4G directly?
Me: More blabbering about upgradation capability, bandwidth requirements and any shit that came in my head..!
P1: Do you know any countries that have implemented 4G?
Me: had read something about it being implemented in some Scandinavian countries, Japan...mentioned that...
P1: Ok....( went through my essay).....so why do u think Gandhian principles are still followed?
Me: Told....stumbled a bit in between but caught myself...
P1: What about all these Maoists and all?
Me: Said how they are using the wrong means to state their point....how they won't succeed...etc..
P1: Do you think Narendra Modi follows Gandhian values?
Me: (was about to say hell no! but then realized this is Ahmedabad!!!) Stated both sides of the issue....took diplomatic approach...

Then came the humdinger....P2 gave me a probability question to solve.....whaat?? Firstly I hate probability....and that's what I get in probably the most important interview of my life! Took couple of minutes to think about it....then she asked me to solve it on the blackboard that was there in the room....I somehow put forward a solution....don't know whether it was right or wrong, their expressions didn't convey anything either.....but that was all. I was stunned as I left the room......what on earth was that?! Where did probability come from?!!! Nowhere in my application had I mentioned anything about probability.....and its not like I got bad marks in any probability-related subject either! But then, IIM-A is IIM-A, expect the unexpected, I suppose! And that was as unexpected as it got....! Anyway, I was relieved it was over at least!

I glanced at the time in my watch: 9.30 am...wow that was fast! And I got a flight back to Mumbai at 6.15 pm......lots of time to kill, question is how?! I wasn't really interested in seeing the city....so after hanging around and chatting with other candidates for some time, I ventured out with another friend, whose interview was before mine, and who was staying in a hotel with his family. After freshening up a bit in his room, I decided to spend my time in a cyber-cafe somewhere preparing for SP Jain the next day. Spent a couple of hours there....then headed to a restaurant nearby for what turned out to be the best, yummiest meal I had had outside home for aaaaages!! A typical Gujarati thali.....with kadhi, all those Gujarati dishes whose names I can't remember....and best of all, aamras!! Oh man, the aamras!! I had like 5 cups I think! And they just keep coming and re-filling your plates.....they keep coming! As much as you want......I finish off one cup of aamras....immediately that guy comes and asks me "Sir, ras?"....and I hold out my cup with glee! After a really heavy, sumptuous, full-on paisa vasool lunch, I did some more net-surfing, before heading to the airport and taking a flight back home. A weird interview, but the lunch made my day!!! :)

1 comment:

MaihoonDON said...

"(was about to say hell no! but then realized this is Ahmedabad!!!)"